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Parent Board

The Parent Board, in conjunction with the school staff, is the governing board of CPPP. Parents may run for one of these positions and serve for the full year. Below are the board positions and a summary of their requirements.




The President serves as a representative of the organization. Among his/her duties are presiding at the Parent Education and Board meetings, appointing officers and committees as needed, signing off on financial and legal documents, serving as ex-officio member of all committees and overseeing the SCVC (Santa Clara Valley Council) Representative position.


Vice President


Among the Vice President's duties are presiding at meetings in the absence of the President and keeping records of membership's meeting attendance, fundraising participation and fulfillment of maintenance requirements. The Vice President is also responsible for audits of our accounting books and arranging programs/speakers for the Parent Education Meetings.




The Secretary keeps minutes of all business meetings, handles correspondence for the school and board, is responsible for all school publications and oversees the preschool newsletter and webmaster.




The Treasurer's duties include keeping record of receipts and expenses, presenting financial reports at monthly board meetings, preparing a yearly budget, monitoring the school's insurance coverage and cash reserve fund, paying bills, overseeing the collection of tuition, fees and fines, and making tax deposits and filing returns.




The Membership Chairperson's responsibilities include maintaining a full enrollment, keeping record of all member paperwork in the school file, handling withdrawals, overseeing all membership assistants.




The Fundraising Chairperson is in charge of planning fundraising efforts and activities to provide necessary funds over and above tuition. S/he is to confer with the Treasurer about financial matters, implement both fundraising and social events, and oversee all fundraising assistants.




The Maintenance Chairperson is primarily responsible for maintaining all indoor and outdoor equipment. S/he maintains a priority list for maintenance to complete, then works with maintenance assistants and the school membership to complete items on the list. The Maintenance Chairperson also coordinates with outside maintenance services.


Education Coordinator


The Education Coordinator oversees all members in charge of maintaining curriculum based aspects of the facility by assigning support jobs and monitoring their completion.


Class Coordinator


The class coordinator includes scheduling workdays for the class members, maintaining calendars of class events, serving as class historian, assisting with the scheduling and execution of field trips, and maintaining class communications.

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