3 Day Classes
Here for them
Participation Requirements
Must be 3 years old by September 1st*
Mon/Wed/Fri 9:00am - 11:30 am
Teacher: Julie Perry
Tuition: $270 per month
Class Material's Fee: $66
Insurance Fee: $33
Each parent participates one day per week
Developmental Goals of the 3-Day Program
Each child is a unique person, who will develop at their own maturation level and through their own understanding of the environment (experiences). As a child gains new knowledge she/he combines it with previously learned information. Thus, it is important that a child be able to interact with all of their senses using the various materials in a creative way.
Cognitive— the acquiring of knowledge. Language, Vocabulary, Logical Reasoning, Classification, Temporal Relationships, Pre-reading Skills
Social— learning to interact with others. Cooperative Play, Empathy, Problem Solving, Symbolic Play, Initiative
Physical— is the actual physical movement and control of the body. Motor Skills, Creative Movement, Kinesthetic Sense, Fine Motor Skills
Emotional—Positive and Negative Emotions, Positive Expression of Emotions, Impulse Control, Assertiveness, Functional Skills